
+41 (0)32 511 20 09

Bern, Switzerland


Personal Blog Posts

Being a solopreneur can feel quite lonely. So can being a mother, a product person, a highly-sensitive individual… I made it my mission to bridge the gap between my professional and my private life to show up as authentically and whole-heartedly as I can, inviting others to connect with me from human to human. In this section you can check out extracts from my personal newsletter „Tanja’s Butterflies“.

To follow my product-related writing, I recommend subscribing to my Substack blog Learning Organisation. Some of my articles can also be found in the section Publications & Templates.


My first true love was ink on paper. Letters lined up neatly on a piece of paper. The smell of a new book. Sentences scribbled into carefully hidden notebooks to caputure a fleeting feeling. I was, am and always will be in love with books. Since I was a kid, I would pour my heart and soul out on paper - just to find it again in someone else's writing. In fact, I got so obsessed with certain books that I would hide them from my sister, afraid that by reading them she might be able to take a sneak peek into the deepest chambers of my soul...



32 days 52 minutes and 17 seconds - that's how long it took me to get sick. The kids were the first ones, then Tobias started complaining. I thought I'd never be affected. But it turns out: even I can get really sick. I'm not talking about the infamous Bali belly (that one tormented the whole family, too...


Ready for Take-off

Our two-month sabbatical in Bali is just around the corner - and if my family had not been stopping me, I would have been fully packed weeks ago 🙂 I guess how we pack and prepare for trips says a lot about our personality and I loved chatting about this with many people in my network in the past couple of weeks. Just for fun, I tried to condense the patterns I spotted into 7 packing archetypes.  1 - MAMA BEAR Main goal: make sure everyone on the trip is fully taken care ofPacking strategy:starts washing and shopping at least a week in advancepacks for everyone in the family, including pre-planning what shoe size the kids are going to have during the trip in four monthspacks enough food to feed...


Deep Learnings

I consider myself a fast learner - but there are a few things that took me over two decades to sink in. I call those deep learnings. The ones that you can hear a thousand times from other people, but you will never truly get until you live a lot, mess up and get up again. Until you integrate them into every fiber of your being. And once you do, it’s impossible to unsee them. They become part of your fundamental believe system and aspirations. You truly get them - which does not necessarily mean that you master or always apply them. On the contrary: You realize how far you’ve come and how much work is still laying ahead of you. This is deep learning....


Go Nuts

I don’t know about you, but I’m furious. At least a couple of times per week. Sometimes it’s the kids who just don’t want to go to sleep. Sometimes it’s the husband who dares to take a nap while the dishes are procrastinating in the sink. Sometimes it’s the polished Linkedin world or the fact that it’s always the same five parents who volunteer for any kind of school activity. Most of the time, however, it’s me being furious at myself. For not sleeping enough, for eating too much chocolate, for not taking the time to practice the piano, for moving 450 km away from my family. When I ignore my rage, it often turns into envy. I start feeling like I’m surrounded by people who...
